16 December 2022  ✦  2 min read
Customise your Trustpilot company description with HTML
Stand out on Trustpilot by customising your company description with these easy-to-use formatting and styling HTML codes.
Firstly let's get into the basics of what HTML is..
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a language used to write and structure content on the web. HTML consists of elements, which are written using tags. These tags tell the web browser how to structure and format the content. 
For example, the following HTML code includes a paragraph element with some text inside:
<p> This is a paragraph of text. </p>
Each element in HTML has an opening tag and a closing tag. In the example above, <p> is the opening tag and </p> is the closing tag. The text or other content that the element contains goes between the opening and closing tags.

Here are some working codes you can use to format and style Trustpilot company description:
Add a divider line 
<hr style="height: 1.5px; border-width: 0; background-color: #CCCCCC;">


Make font bold
<strong> your text here </strong>


Make font italic
<i> your text here </i>


Underline font
<u> your text here </u>


Change font size and line height 
<p style="font-size: 22px; line-height: 28px;"> your text here </p>

Change font colour*
<p style="color: red;"> your text here </p>

*Note - there are two ways to use colour in HTML: 
1. Name of the colour - Red, Blue, LightGrey
2. HTML Hex code - #FF0000 (red) 
For colour codes and a list of supported HTML colour names, follow this link - htmlcolorcodes.com


Change colour of a single word in a sentence
Your text here <span style="color: blue;"> text you want to change colour </span>


Add a gap between paragraphs
<br> (single line)
<br><br> (double line)

Here you can see the HTML code in action:

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